Customers can make or break your restaurant, but more often than not, retaining customers can be a hugely challenging task. If you’re struggling to keep your customers, you’ve got to bring out the big guns and be ready to cut corners to stay in the game. Read on to know some nifty tips that can help you achieve this.
Customer Engagement:
Once you’ve earned a new customer, your work doesn’t end, but that’s where it begins. Allowing your customers to know that you’ve always got their back is imperative to earn loyalty from these people and, by the same token, ensure that they don’t fall into competitor’s territory. The only way to do this is by interacting. Sending frequent messages or emails to the customer pool can help boost retention.
If you’ve gained a new pal, send a welcome message; if there are any announcements or promotions to be made, be prompt in letting them know of the same. Always keep your doors open for feedback, and respond to them quickly. If you run an online food ordering platform, it’s critical that you’re always connected with the consumers to retain them.
Loyalty Program:
Introducing a loyalty program can prove to be beneficial in scoring customer loyalty. This keeps the customers in the loop. Whether it’s a point-based system or prize-based, or any other sort of reward system, people will be drawn to join such programs if they benefit from them in some way.
Any scheme that allows your customers to save money or nab some discount vouchers should be encouraged. This will send a message at large that if your customers are trusting you, you have faith in them as well.
Answer Questions and Respond To Feedback:
Nearly all online food ordering websites and food delivery system have some sort of forum for a Q&A or to invite feedback. But the key thing here is to be prompt in your responses. Don’t allow the questions or feedback to sit idle for days at length. Reply to the questions, address the complaints, and thank the compliments. Your customers need to know that you’re paying attention to them and that you’re not merely after their money.
Social Media Marketing:
As we move more and more towards digitalisation, engaging with customers via social media has never been more crucial. People these days often deal with only such online food ordering systems that have active social media handles and to whom they can easily reach out without having to deal with the red tape.
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