Unleashing the Power of OrderArt


Running a successful restaurant is no easy task. From managing operations to providing exceptional customer experiences, restaurant owners face numerous challenges on a daily basis. In this blog, we will explore some common obstacles faced by restaurants and how OrderArt can be the game-changer you've been searching for.

Rising Technology Costs

Many restaurants struggle with the high costs associated with implementing and maintaining modern technology solutions. From point-of-sale systems to online ordering platforms, these expenses can quickly eat into your profit margins. OrderArt offers an all-in-one solution at an affordable price, eliminating the need for multiple costly systems. Our platform integrates seamlessly into your existing infrastructure, saving you both time and money.

Hefty Commissions from Third-Party Delivery Apps

Third-party delivery apps have gained popularity but come with a significant drawback – hefty commissions. These commissions can put a strain on your bottom line, making it challenging to generate consistent profits. OrderArt's commission-free delivery service allows you to take control of your delivery operations. With our integrated delivery system, you can offer reliable and efficient delivery without sacrificing your hard-earned revenue.

Staff Shortages and Efficiency

Finding and retaining skilled staff is a perennial challenge for the restaurant industry. Staff shortages can lead to decreased efficiency, longer wait times, and dissatisfied customers. OrderArt's automation solutions come to the rescue by streamlining operations and reducing the need for excessive manual labor. Our intelligent systems, such as the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) for reservations, allow customers to make bookings without any human interaction. This saves time, improves accuracy, and enhances overall customer satisfaction.

Complex Menu Customizations and Allergen Awareness:

Accommodating individual dietary preferences and allergen requirements can be a headache for restaurants. Verbal communication often leads to misinterpretations and mistakes. OrderArt's online ordering system offers extensive customization options, ensuring that customers can easily customize their orders with precision. Our system highlights allergens based on selections, providing peace of mind to your customers and reducing the chances of errors in the kitchen.


OrderArt understands the challenges faced by restaurants and has developed a comprehensive solution to address these issues head-on. By leveraging our platform, you can optimize your operations, eliminate costly commissions, enhance customer experiences, and increase your overall profitability. Don't let obstacles hold you back; take the leap with OrderArt and revolutionize your restaurant today.

visit us www.orderart.com.au
email: enquiry@orderart.com.au
phone: 03 4149 9900

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